ICER 2024
Mon 12 - Thu 15 August 2024 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Getting around Melbourne.

Melbourne airport is a long way out of Melbourne, so you will need to consider organising transport to get you in to the city and to your Hotel. It may be Sky Buses (costing around $24 or $40 return, which are the cheapest way), Taxis, Uber or car hire and can be arranged at the airport or pre-booked. There are trams and trains but they do not connect to the airport. Trams which connect around the city and travel in the middle of the road, are free for the main inner city circle out to RMIT (any further out will cost and you need a Miki card). There are trains which travel underground, around the city loop and out to the suburbs. Timetables of both are available through Public Transport Victoria, (PTV) and their Journey Planner. Also, you can easily walk around the city on the footpaths. What’s on in Melbourne is a webpage advertising some of the things happening in Melbourne – some places to eat, shopping, some free entertainment . Art and Culture Guides, as well as some theatre guides give information of popular shows happening in Melbourne, and where.