ICER 2024
Mon 12 - Thu 15 August 2024 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Posters Lightning Talks
What we want Work at any phase from early ideas to complete but unpublished research A concise summary of scholarly work, but substantially more information than a lightning talk Novel, not yet fully explored or tested work. Succinctly expressed
What you get One-on-one exposure and feedback Author(s), title, and abstract in proceedings Exposure to all session attendees Speaker and title in proceedings
Expected Format Poster size: 24×36 inches(61×91 cm) Short, 2 to 3 minute presentation (strictly timed!)


  • Preference given to authors who have not presented at ICER in the past and content that is most likely to spark discussion at ICER
  • Work already being presented at ICER (i.e., accepted research papers, WIP, doctoral consortium submissions) is ineligible for either the posters session or the lightning talks session.
  • All submissions will be editorially reviewed (Submissions will be considered by the session co-chairs in consultation with conference chairs).

Call for Participation

Lightning Talks and Posters

This track offers another way to present research at ICER. Lightning talks and posters give authors the opportunity to present work at any phase of the research process, without requiring a focus on final results. This track allows authors to garner feedback, gain exposure, practice presenting, and recruit collaborators within the structure of the conference. We allow and encourage authors to submit both a poster and a lightning talk on the same research, although this is not required. Posters provide authors an opportunity to discuss their work in detail with a small group. In contrast, lightning talks provide authors an opportunity to present a short talk on their work to all conference attendees. Since ICER 2024 will be a hybrid conference, authors who present a lightning talk without a poster may struggle to connect with other conference attendees since it is more difficult to find a speaker after their talk to ask questions, or connect during a coffee break, when some people are attending online. Conversely, with our online conferences over the past few years, we found lightning talks to be a good advertisement for posters, allowing conference attendees to get a sense of which posters to visit. However, we do not require authors to submit both a poster and a lightning talk; we share these thoughts so authors can make informed decisions about how to most effectively share their work at the hybrid conference.

Lightning Talks

Subject: Computing education research question, research design, methodology, data-gathering strategy, formative findings, tool, or technique.

Preference given to: Authors who have not presented at ICER in the past. Content that is most likely to spark discussion at ICER.

Content: Novel research projects or research ideas that are not yet fully explored or tested, which can be succinctly expressed through a short talk.

What you get: An opportunity to present a short talk on work to all conference attendees. Generates opportunities for networking and connections with ICER attendees also interested in your work.

When to submit: 27 May 2024 AoE

Where to submit:

What to submit: To submit a lightning talk, enter the information described below as metadata in HotCRP. You do not need to submit a PDF for lightning talks.

  • Speaker’s name:
  • Affiliation:
  • Email:
  • Is it your first time presenting at ICER? Y|N
  • My talk is about: (200 word limit)
  • My talk will (choose all that apply):
    • Solicit feedback from the community regarding a CER project (including sharing project plans and/or initial results)
    • Describe a new CER project for which the author(s) are seeking collaborators
    • Share encouraging initial results from a CER project
    • Present a new tool, technique, or methodology


Subject: Computing education research question, research design, methodology, data-gathering strategy, formative findings, tool, or technique.

Preference given to: Authors who have not presented at ICER in the past. Content that is most likely to spark discussion at ICER.

Content: Work at any phase of the research process, from early ideas to complete but unpublished research. Posters should include a concise summary of scholarly work, but with substantially more information than would be included in a lightning talk.

What you get: An opportunity to present a short talk on work to all conference attendees. Generates opportunities for networking and connections with ICER attendees also interested in your work.

When to submit: 27 May 2024 AoE

Where to submit:

What to submit: To submit a poster, upload a PDF document with your abstract and enter some additional metadata about your submission in HotCRP. More details:

  • Poster Abstract PDF: Poster abstracts must use the template, formatting details, and style rules as outlined for Research Papers, specifically the publication template (not the submission template). Abstracts must not exceed 500 words, excluding title, author details, references, copyright statement, and images.

  • Metadata: you will be asked to enter the following information as metadata in HotCRP:

    • Any additional information that you feel is relevant for review but may not fit in the one-page abstract. This information will not appear in the proceedings.
    • Is it your first time presenting at ICER? Y|N
    • Phase of work at time of presentation will be (choose all that apply):
      • initial idea
      • working on research design
      • some data collected
      • pilot study completed
      • initial results
      • paper written but unpublished
      • unpublished CER tool
      • other (please explain)
    • My goal in presenting this poster is (choose all that apply):
      • Solicit feedback from the community regarding a CER project
      • Present a new tool, technique, or methodology
      • Present unpublished results of ongoing work
      • Other (please explain)


  • How are posters and lightning talks reviewed?
    • Submissions will be editorially reviewed by the session co-chairs in consultation with the conference chairs.
  • Do I have to anonymize my submission?
    • No. Since submissions are editorially reviewed, not peer reviewed, your submission need not be anonymized.
  • I have work that has already been accepted to ICER as a full paper, work-in-progress paper, or doctoral consortium submission. Can I still submit a lightning talk or poster?
    • Yes, as long as the work you submit for your lightning talk and/or poster is substantially different from your other work that has already been accepted. We will not accept work that is already being presented at the conference through one of these other venues.
  • What content should I include in my poster abstract?
    • Please refer to past archived poster abstracts to see examples. Poster abstracts were first published in ICER 2019.
  • What format should I use for my poster abstract?
    • Poster abstracts must use the template, formatting details, and style rules as outlined for Research Papers, specifically the publication template (not the submission template). Abstracts must not exceed 500 words, excluding title, author details, references, copyright statement, and images.


This program is tentative and subject to change.

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Wed 14 Aug

Displayed time zone: Brisbane change

10:15 - 11:00
Coffee break

11:40 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:15

Thu 15 Aug

Displayed time zone: Brisbane change

10:15 - 11:00
Coffee break

11:40 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:15

14:15 - 15:20
16:00 - 16:40
Closing BusinessCatering