ICER 2024
Mon 12 - Thu 15 August 2024 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

To set norms for the conference activities, the following code of conduct applies. We expect all attendees to:

  • Follow all policies in the ACM Policy Against Harassment.
  • Be respectful.
  • Be mindful of how others are being treated.
  • Respect people’s names and pronouns when addressing them.
  • In all social interactions, before engaging, please allow everyone to introduce themselves. This helps us build our community; if we skip this step, it only supports existing relationships, rather than fostering new ones.
  • Respect any communication channel’s purpose and scope before posting, helping to preserve the integrity of conversations.
  • No harassment, discrimination, or abuse of any kind.
  • Avoid comments that reinforce social structures of domination (such as those related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion).
  • Not demand that someone enable their video. It is attendees’ choice whether to have their video on; there is also some evidence that audio-only conversations also reduce the cognitive load of processing social cues.
  • Avoid virtual backgrounds with movement. These can trigger neurological issues in some attendees.
  • Alert the organizers if you see a problem.

Anyone prohibited from attending an ACM conference, as determined by the ACM violation’s database, will not be allowed on Zoom or Discord.

This code of conduct is not exhaustive or final, it can be updated by the conference chairs at any time.

Ethics Facilitators

If you are made uncomfortable, or you see someone else being made uncomfortable, you may contact one of the designated facilitators via Discord’s messaging features, even if your concerns are outside the scope of the policies above. The names will be announced closer to the event.

They can help you confidentially decide whether to escalate to the chairs. You may also write the chairs directly in Discord.

If the concern does escalate to chairs, potential actions by the chairs include:

  • The site chair writes a direct message to the individual violating the code, expressing the concern and requesting a remedy (e.g., cease harassment, fix metadata, change use of language, shift a conversation to a different channel).
  • If the attendee resists changes in behavior, the site chair may restrict the attendee’s privileges on Discord and Zoom.
  • If restrictions are insufficient to regulate the attendees behavior, the site chair may revoke access to Discord and Zoom.