ICER 2024
Mon 12 - Thu 15 August 2024 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Thu 15 Aug 2024 11:20 - 11:40 - Equity and Diversity (II) Chair(s): Mark Guzdial

Motivation: Many university CS programs have begun teaching various types of CS-related societal issues using approaches such as ethics, Responsible CS, inclusive design, and more. However, some recent research suggests that, although these programs have been able to teach awareness, students often fail to act upon this awareness. To address this problem, University X’s CS program tried an unusual approach–integrating hands-on inclusive design skills in small ways across all four years of the CS major. But did it work? That is, did the students who experienced this change across the major actually build more inclusive technology than the students who did not experience it?

Objectives: This paper aims to answer this through addressing two research questions: (RQ1): Did students who learned inclusive design across the curriculum act to create more inclusive software? (RQ2): How did inclusivity (or lack thereof) manifest in students’ projects?
Method: To investigate these RQs, we conducted a case study of 22 term-long CS projects built by 22 teams consisting of a total of 92 3rd- and 4th-year CS students. Half of the student teams had experienced courses that had integrated inclusive design and the other half had not. The inclusive design elements University X taught were those of the GenderMag inclusive design method, so evaluating the students’ term-long projects was done by GenderMag experts–industry-experienced UX and Software professionals with real-world GenderMag experience.

Results: The inclusiveness of students’ projects was higher Post-GenderMag, with fewer reports of inclusivity bugs and higher inclusivity ratings. Experts’ evaluations also revealed the ways in which bias (e.g. bias against risk-averse users) and inclusion (e.g. inclusion of users with diverse information processing styles ) appeared in students’ projects.

Implications: We believe this to be the first published evidence that compares student-built technology’s inclusiveness before vs. after they have been taught inclusive design. These positive results suggest that teaching inclusive design across the curriculum can impact students beyond simply heightening awareness–moving them to act upon this new understanding by building technology that more inclusively serves a wider spectrum of society.

Thu 15 Aug

Displayed time zone: Brisbane change

11:00 - 11:40
Equity and Diversity (II)Research Papers
Chair(s): Mark Guzdial University of Michigan
Debugging for Inclusivity in Online CS Courseware: Does it Work?
Research Papers
Amreeta Chatterjee Oregon State University, Rudrajit Choudhuri Oregon State University, Mrinmoy Sarkar Flockby, Soumiki Chattopadhyay Oregon State University, Dylan Liu Oregon State University, Samarendra Hedaoo Oregon State University, Margaret Burnett Oregon State University, Anita Sarma Oregon State University
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
Beyond "Awareness": If We Teach Inclusive Design, Will Students Act On It?
Research Papers
Rosalinda Garcia Oregon State University, Patricia Morreale Kean University, Pankati Patel Kean University, Jimena Noa Guevara Oregon State University, Dahana Moz-Ruiz Kean University, Sabyatha Sathish Kumar Oregon State University, Prisha Velhal Oregon State University, Alec Busteed Oregon State University, Margaret Burnett Oregon State University
Link to publication DOI Pre-print