ICER 2024
Mon 12 - Thu 15 August 2024 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Carol Fletcher

Registered user since Mon 13 Mar 2023

Name:Carol Fletcher

Dr. Carol Fletcher is Director of EPIC (Expanding Pathways in Computing) at UT Austin’s Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) where she oversees research and professional development projects in STEM and CS education such as the nationally recognized WeTeach_CS program. She is PI for two NSF projects focused on broadening participation in computing (BPC), the Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance and Accelerating Women’s Success and Mastery in CS (AWSM in CS). Her research interests include BPC and measuring large scale professional development in STEM.

Carol is a former middle school teacher and an elected Pflugerville ISD School Board Trustee from 2001 to 2019. Her experiences as a teacher, policymaker, and researcher bridge the gap between education, workforce, and policy. Additional leadership roles include Chair of the Texas Computer Science Task Force, CS4TX Steering Committee, the TEA’s STEM Educator Standards & IT Industry Advisory Committees, and numerous NSF funded STEM education grant advisory boards.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Texas Advanced Computing Center
Research interests:Equitable K-12 CS education, CS education policy, CS teacher professional development, measuring and metrics in K-12 CS education


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